Not only does the global disposable nappy industry extract over 248 million barrels of crude oil annually, but it creates over 38 million tons of solid waste per year.
Did you know that disposable nappies will take roughly 500 years to fully decompose because of the plastic outer shell? Disposable nappies represent a massive 3% of all solid waste thrown into landfill and they use 20 times more raw materials than natural nappy alternatives. An estimated 400,000 disposable nappies are thrown into landfill worldwide every minute. Imagine the wreckage we are leaving behind for our future children with disposable nappies that will take roughly 500 years each to decompose. Moreover, many of the chemicals used in disposable nappies will recirculate through the Earth.
27/3/2024 0 Comments Guest Blog: Eco-friendly and natural bedside cribs, made in the UK, from Alora Baby.
As ever, our dedicated team of carers, parents, pregnant women, mini testers and grandparents are all geared up for another year of innovative and impressive entries! Year on year, we see an improvement in organisations searching to be better for the planet and better for our little ones. Can't wait!
11/9/2023 0 Comments Navigating the Back-to-School Jitters: Helping Children with Post-Summer AnxietyAs summer winds down and the days grow shorter, the familiar back-to-school season arrives. For many parents, it's a time of mixed emotions—relief for the return to routine, excitement for new adventures, but also concern for how their children will cope with the transition. One prevalent challenge that parents, teachers, and children often face during this period is children's anxiety about returning to school after the summer holidays.
Summer holidays offer a break from the structured school environment, giving kids the freedom to explore, relax, and rejuvenate. However, this change in routine can create apprehension about returning to school. Understanding and addressing this anxiety is essential for a smooth transition. Recognizing Back-to-School Anxiety Back-to-school anxiety is a normal response to change, but it can manifest differently in each child. Some common signs of this anxiety include:
27/8/2023 0 Comments Organic FestivalsHi everyone, We are so excited to have opened the 2023 Green Bambini Awards. We are going to publish several blogs in the coming weeks on the topics of environmentally-friendly baby products and the importance of sustainable and ecological choices when we’re making our purchasing choices as a family! I’ve recently been looking at upcoming green and organic festivals which are a great place to meet like-minded people, buy quality baby goods and learn more about the latest products on the market! Toda I want to give you a snapshot of events coming up in the next month!
Then, we took a look at the really innovative Rockit brand which combines ingenious ideas with the power to bring those ideas to life. They create products which really get babies to sleep including a pram which mimics the sensation of being walked even when the parents are taking a well-earned rest and a pram/cot attachment which simulates the sensation of being driven in a car in order to get the most resistant of sleepers to nod off!
Today, I’m excited to write about Pure Lakes who also have a very unique and inspiring story behind their brand!
11/6/2022 0 Comments Our trip to Legoland Windsor
We've put together a little blog about Mother's Day with an idea for a great present for a new mum! While the American Mother’s Day originates from 1914 after a campaign by Anna Jarvis, whose own mother had died the previous May, the British version has religious origins. Christians were encouraged to visit the ‘mother church’ on the fourth Sunday of lent. Apologies if you already knew this! I didn't and had always wondered why it is celebrated on different dates, only after starting writing today’s blog did it occur to me to actually look up the history behind it!
AuthorRead blogs from our friendly team who are parents too! Archives
May 2024
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